Om Norsk Politikk Podcast er en podcast for unge velgere som ønsker å lære om valg, demokrati og norsk politikk for å øke valgdeltakelsen.

A close-up view of a smartphone displaying various podcast covers on its screen, alongside a brown leather-covered notebook lying on a table. In the background, part of a white keyboard and another notebook with a checked pattern are visible.
A close-up view of a smartphone displaying various podcast covers on its screen, alongside a brown leather-covered notebook lying on a table. In the background, part of a white keyboard and another notebook with a checked pattern are visible.
A close-up of a professional podcast microphone with a cable plugged into it. The focus is on the connector and part of the microphone, with a blurred background.
A close-up of a professional podcast microphone with a cable plugged into it. The focus is on the connector and part of the microphone, with a blurred background.
A computer screen displaying a website of an audio streaming service. The website showcases a podcast called BANTUMEN with the description 'Pro Unlimited.' There is a navigation bar with options including Home, Stream, Library, and more. A music wave graphic is visible below, along with a play button, social media interaction options such as re-post, share, and add to playlists. A banner at the top talks about fan-powered royalties, and there is a COVID-19 information widget to the side.
A computer screen displaying a website of an audio streaming service. The website showcases a podcast called BANTUMEN with the description 'Pro Unlimited.' There is a navigation bar with options including Home, Stream, Library, and more. A music wave graphic is visible below, along with a play button, social media interaction options such as re-post, share, and add to playlists. A banner at the top talks about fan-powered royalties, and there is a COVID-19 information widget to the side.

Vår Misjon

Vi informerer om viktigheten av å stemme og engasjere unge velgere med og uten innvandrerbakgrunn i norsk politikk.

Kontakt oss for mer informasjon

Støtte fra lesere og lyttere som deg har bidratt til å holde på nett siden oppstarten i 2024. Støtter du oss kan vi satse og levere et enda bedre produkt!

Du kan eventuelt overføre en donasjon til kontonummer 9230 38 68773. Merk gjerne betalingen "Donasjon" og vi ønsker å høre fra deg om norsk politikk og valg.

A person wearing headphones and a white shirt is engaged in a podcast or recording session. They are speaking into a professional microphone while holding a smartphone in one hand. The background includes a white brick wall and green plants, creating a relaxed atmosphere.
A person wearing headphones and a white shirt is engaged in a podcast or recording session. They are speaking into a professional microphone while holding a smartphone in one hand. The background includes a white brick wall and green plants, creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Unge Velgere

Informasjon om valg og demokrati for unge med og uten innvandrerbakgrunn.

A group of young people gathered together, with the focus on two individuals in the foreground. One person is holding and speaking into a megaphone, while the other appears to be listening or assisting. The background shows more people, all of whom seem to be engaged in the event. Some have face paint.
A group of young people gathered together, with the focus on two individuals in the foreground. One person is holding and speaking into a megaphone, while the other appears to be listening or assisting. The background shows more people, all of whom seem to be engaged in the event. Some have face paint.
A close-up of an old-fashioned typewriter featuring a sheet of paper with the words 'PARENTING PODCASTS' typed on it. The typewriter is placed on a wooden surface and the background is a plain, neutral color.
A close-up of an old-fashioned typewriter featuring a sheet of paper with the words 'PARENTING PODCASTS' typed on it. The typewriter is placed on a wooden surface and the background is a plain, neutral color.
Two young people wearing orange shirts with 'YOUTH' printed on the back sit together on a sports court, viewed through a black netting. The court is blue, and one of them has a leg stretched out while they appear to be engaged in conversation or rest.
Two young people wearing orange shirts with 'YOUTH' printed on the back sit together on a sports court, viewed through a black netting. The court is blue, and one of them has a leg stretched out while they appear to be engaged in conversation or rest.
A podcast setup with a large microphone on a stand positioned on a table. Nearby are a pair of black headphones and a laptop. Two people are in the background, one typing on the laptop and the other holding headphones. The setting appears to be a studio with soundproofing elements.
A podcast setup with a large microphone on a stand positioned on a table. Nearby are a pair of black headphones and a laptop. Two people are in the background, one typing on the laptop and the other holding headphones. The setting appears to be a studio with soundproofing elements.
A stack of colorful cards featuring the bold text 'BE A VOTER' surrounded by decorative stars and swirls.
A stack of colorful cards featuring the bold text 'BE A VOTER' surrounded by decorative stars and swirls.
Close-up of a podcast or recording setup featuring a large microphone at the center with two people in the background. One is a woman with glasses, and the other is a person on the left partially out of frame. A laptop and a tablet are on the table.
Close-up of a podcast or recording setup featuring a large microphone at the center with two people in the background. One is a woman with glasses, and the other is a person on the left partially out of frame. A laptop and a tablet are on the table.